Sunday 9 June 2013

Peachtree- General Journal Entry

General Journal Entry
The journal entry is the point of entry of business transactions into the accounting systems. It is chronological record of the transactions, showing an explanation of each transaction, the accounts affected, whether those accounts are increased or decreased, and by what amount.
 Go to the task bar menu and click on the General journal entry.

The following window will appear.

First of all enter the date of which period you want to enter the general journal entries in “Date” field.
Enter the reference number in “Reference” field. This field is used to give a unique or different code to each journal for identification.

Enter the “GL Account” for which you want to enter the journal entries, and the general ledger account can be added in chart of accounts.
Enter the description of journal entry in “Description” field.
Enter the amount from which you want to debit the entry in “Debit” field.
Enter the amount from which you want to credit the entry in “Credit” field. Remember that the amount   of debit and credit should be the same.
Click the “Save” button to save the journal entries.

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