Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to Save Purchase Order

How to Save Purchase Order
First of all we open the peach tree soft ware and go to option maintain vendor. When we click the maintain menus and then click the vendor then following window will appear.

To maintain vendor account:
To enter the vendor ID
To enter the name
To enter the purchase account to go the purchase defaults.

After maintain vendor then enter the inventory item in this window.

To enter the item ID description and necessary general ledger accounts.
After the maintain inventory item then we click the main menus option task then following window will appear.

After this window we click the purchase orders option then following window will appear.
Purchase Orders

Vendor ID: To enter the vendor ID
Date: Select the date according to their specification.
Purchase Order Number: To enter the purchase order number
Quantity: To enter the quantity you needed
Item: To select the item
Description: when we select the item then description is already exist in this column
Unit price: To enter the unit price
After enter the information in this window then click the open button and select the purchase order and check their balances or purchase order.
After this window we click the purchases receive inventory then following window will appear.

Purchases Receive Inventory

To select the vendor ID and check and check their balances those item which are selected in this item we check the remaining received.
Other Payment and Credits: Show the balance of payments.
Amount paid at purchase: That amount which is paid at time of purchases.

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