Wednesday 10 April 2013

How to Maintain Vendor

How to Maintain Vendor
First of all we open the peach tree software and go to main menu option maintain then click the maintain option and select the vendor option.

When we click the vendor option then following window will appear.

Ø  Name and address information of the vendor including city’s Zip country vendor type mailing address, phone, fax, e-mail, and web site address.
Ø  Balance with this vendor purchase defaults
Ø  Custom fields
Ø  History
Ø  Type of 1099
Header Fields of vendor

Header fields are located above the main folder tabs. This window shows the vendor ID name and inactive options.
Vendor ID
Vendor ID means a specific code which has been entered in this box. It includes alphabets and numbers.
Enter the name of vendor these name which are entered in this box it can be company name or an individual’s.
When you close the fiscal year check the inactive box.

To enter the general information of vendor such as contact, account number, address, city, country, vendor type, Telephone, fax, e-mail and web site.
Purchase Defaults:

 Purchase Rep: We can select any employee
Purchase Acct: To enter the purchase accounts this vendor.
Tax ID: Enter the tax ID number in this box.
Ship Via: Select the ship via in this option which is incurred in this window.
Term: Define the terms which are given in this window.
Custom Fields:

Select the custom fields tab in the maintain window and enter the custom field information for the select vendor record.


When we click the history option then following window will appear.
Vendor Since: To enter the date in vendor since.
Last Invoice Date: Enter the last date of invoice which is received from vendor.
Last Invoice Amount: To enter the amount of last invoice.
Last Payment Date: To enter the last payment date you paid the vendor.
Last Payment Amount: To enter the last amount you paid the vendor.

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